Flash floods destroyed 70% Kharif crops in Sindh

The farmers occurred loss of Rs350 billion as the result of torrential rains and floods in Sindh 

Nearly 70% of Kharif crops in Sindh had been destroyed by the torrential rains and flash floods. The farmers had occurred the losses of Rs350 billion as the result of flash floods.  The Sindh Abadgar Board (SAB) representatives have told the media in Hyderabad.

SAB representatives claims that  that recent monsoon rains and flash floods had destroyed almost 70pc of Kharif crops in Sindh which was ready to be harvested and inflicted estimated loss of Rs350 billion to farmers, livestock farm owners.

They also express fear that Sindh will face shortage in Sindh. The Sindh government is likely to miss the procurement target next year.  The per acre yield of wheat crop will also decline.  

They said alms, relief assistance or BISP handouts would not work for farmers and they should be given oilseed crops’ seed to enable them to earn a livelihood. They regretted that lessons had not been learnt and water infrastructure was not augmented after the 2011 floods.

They said 70percent of Kharif crop, ready to be harvested, was destroyed and cotton, dates, onions, tomatoes other vegetables were over 90percent washed away in July and August. They said livestock was also impacted due to the unavailability of fodder and spread of diseases.

Due to rains and flash floods, property, houses, road networks and infrastructure worth billions of rupees were severely damaged in both rural and urban areas, SAB representatives said.

They demanded that the dewatering plan be devised on an emergency basis to drain rainwater from residential areas and agricultural fields. Small farmers, they said, should be provided fuel so that they could dewater their fields to ensure the cultivation of upcoming crops.

They asked the government to take immediate measures for plugging broken dykes and canals while livestock farmers should also be provided fixed compensations for their damages. The SAB leaders also demanded that a permanent and fixed climate change fund should be created, which could be used in any emergency situation.

The impact of losses on the urban economy would be visible with lack of raw material, higher imports of food products, lack of demand for fertilisers, motorbikes, etc, they said and emphasised that the earlier agricultural activity started, the better for people or economy.

They demanded a 50pc subsidy for Rabi 2022 and Kharif 2023 on fertilisers, withdrawal of fuel adjustment charges on electricity, refund of collected charges to farmers, interest-free loans through one-window operations, waiver of agricultural loans, free seeds for wheat, sunflower, cotton and other fodders to small farmers.


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