PTI announced to resign from National Assembly en masse today

The decision en masse resignations came after the parliamentary meeting of PTI chaired by chairman Imran Khan 

PTI parliamentary party decided today to resign from the National Assembly en masse. This decision came after the PTI parliamentary party meeting chaired by PTI chairman Imran Khan. The parliamentary party was divided over the question of resignations but Imran Khan in his address, announced to resign from the National Assembly.  Some PTI MNAs already announced their resignations. It is not clear yet that how many PTI MNAs are going to resign following the decision of PTI chairman imran Khan.  
According to sources, some members of the PTI parliamentary party meeting advised Imran Khan not to resign and said that they should fight the Opposition in the assembly and not leave the field empty. But the the hawks in the party prevailed in the end and party decided to resign. 
It seems that PTI MNAs will make speeches in the National Assembly  session and announced to resign from the house. 

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